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Life Path Compatibility Life Path Numbers Numerology

Life Path Compatibility 6 and 7 (the SECRETS)

Compatibility between lie paths 6 and 7 is not guaranteed and could go either way. This means it is vital for the two to seek compatibility secrets. It is also important for them to know and appreciate each other’s character. It is vital for every relationship to attain compatibility. The two can attain compatibility if life path 7 brings in their aspect of thriving in everything they do; additionally, they would need the right priorities when it comes to traveling. If the number 6 puts in their input to be responsible, compatibility will take the best effect.

Since their relationship may not attain compatibility, it is important for them to stay positive and be patient. There are multiple principles of compatibility that will help such a relationship gain compatibility. Keith 6 is a student looking forward to getting married after he has completed his studies. His plan is to get married to his best friend, with whom they have been friends for a long time. They met in their first year of study and found themselves in the same study group. They would lead the studies because they offered their best character and chose to cover one another’s weaknesses. This helped them attain compatibility in their friendship and nurtured the desire to pursue marriage.

Being unable to appreciate one another’s character can be a bit challenging, like in the case of Suzanna 7 and Johnstone 6. They had an arranged marriage; back in their youthful years, they did not take time to know each other before marriage since they did not have the chance. They quickly noticed that their relationship was not toiler made. The marriage started turning into a bitter pill when her husband started to change her personality. He could not understand why she was doing something. However, slowly he started appreciating her efforts. Right now, they are in their old age and enjoying the best times of their lives.

When you want to get compatible with your partner, it is important to learn the secrets of compatibility. They will help your journey to attain compatibility with ease. The secrets include:

Enjoy Your Partner’s Company

This can be easy to attain when you recently married your partner. It is easy to find fun being playful, which fades after a short time. It is important to enjoy your partner’s companionship to be compatible with your partner. This was the main reason why you got together in the first place. However, when you get caught in draining daily routines, you may not have time to enjoy your partner’s companionship. However, amidst the busy schedules, it is important to set aside time to spend with your spouse. This is an excellent idea for you to promote compatibility.

Be Empathetic

Being empathetic empathy is one principle that promotes compatibility. It is important to be there for your spouse at their time of need. It is important to sympathize with them when they are going through tough times of loss and mourning. Walk through their pain and show them that you care. This will make your partner feel accepted instead of rejected. It is important to allow them space and time to mourn properly.

Participate in Common Activities

Happy couples will look for activities they can do together and have fun. It is right to have personal recreational activities that you enjoy doing. On the other hand, it is also right to have activities that you enjoy doing as a couple. When you have a common cause and interest, you will enjoy time together. If you are yet to find a common cause, you should consider discovering a hobby or activity you will enjoy doing together.

Celebrate Short Milestones

You should consider setting short and long-term compatibility milestones when in a relationship. If you are able to attain any short-term goal, you ought to get time to celebrate it. This makes everyone in the relationship feel appreciated and encouraged. Sit and evaluate what you did to the best level and where you could improve. The greatest secret is to be team players in your relationship, letting everyone know that they are part of the success. 

Being Concerned About Each Other

The important thing you can show your partner is that you care about them. Therefore, couples should show and tell their partners they care for them. It is important to coordinate and cooperate whenever your partner is going through a crisis. Be there whenever your partner needs you, and at the same time, give them the space they need whenever necessary. Ensure you give them only positive energy, and feed them with the right words.

Tolerate Your Partner

It is right to become tolerant of your partner in case their character is faulted. It is important to treat your partner the best way, regardless of how you feel they treated you. Two wrongs do not make a right, and having the right attitude will guide on the best way to attain compatibility. When you become tolerant of your partner, you will settle differences fast, a healthy way of attaining compatibility.

Be Open To Your Partner

Lack of openness in a family will only cripple your experience in attaining compatibility. When you are in a relationship, try and attain emotional openness. This means you could both be comfortable when sharing thoughts and feelings. This should, however, be without judgment. Openness should be attained without having the feeling of being defensive of your actions, thoughts, or words.

Partners in any relationship should comfortably share their feelings of vulnerability, admiration, and love for their significant other. If you attain compatibility in your feelings, it is a great promise to attain compatibility. 

Did you know that supporting your partner gives you independence? Yes, it does, since they have the freedom to make choices. They also grow wings to fly on their own, carrying you when you need to hand. There is no harm in offering material, emotional or psychological support to your partner.

Life Path Number Compatibility Table

Your Life Path NumberVery Good CompatibilityOK CompatibilityCould go either wayChallenging combination
13 , 52 , 61 , 7 , 94 , 8
22 , 4 , 81 , 3 , 675 , 9
31 , 52 , 3 , 6 , 94 , 7 , 8
42 , 86 , 73 , 41 , 5 , 9
51 , 3 , 7562 , 4 , 8 , 9
66 , 91 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 85 , 7
75 , 741 , 2 , 6 , 3 , 98
82 , 4 , 8631 , 5 , 7 , 9
96 , 931 , 72 , 4 , 5 , 8
Avatar photo Luna is the editor in chief and an absolute numerology nut. She loves teaching numerology and helping clients with the power of numerology to live a fulfilling life.