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Life Path Compatibility Life Path Numbers Numerology

Life Path Compatibility 5 and 9 (the SECRETS)

Life paths 5 and 9 will not have a smooth path to compatibility and will have challenges in getting compatible. Tough every relationship brings challenges when getting compatible; this one, in particular, will poise more challenging situations. The reason for challenges in attaining compatibility includes the character of life path 9 seeing to be a know it. Life paths 5 being leaders, they tend to conflict with life paths 9 who tend to give directions even where requests have not been made.

Life paths 5 and 9 can, however, make their relationship to be as beautiful as they would wish through tireless efforts. Life paths 9 can bring balance in places where there is imbalance. If their efforts are taken positively, they can be of great use to people pursuing compatibility. Automatically, people who are outgoing and fun-loving are likely to forgive easily. If this input is brought on board, they will have an easy time though compatibility may take some time to take effect.

When the going gets tough, you get into a groove that is tougher. This is what seven and Melissa have stood on since the day they got married. They attest that they have not had an easy time getting compatible. Their love story is inspiring because they have sworn to pursue compatibility no matter the cost. They are ready to get to any height for as long as they attain compatibility. This is because they know the value and advantages of compatibility in a relationship. They have seen their parents living a happy life and would like to live theirs similarly.

Compatibility goes beyond personal definition, to understanding the factors that promote compatibility. This will help in demystifying compatibility for your relationship in an effort to attain it.

Physical Attraction

This will refer to the attraction that two intimate partners have. The compatibility will depend on the level of physical attraction between you. This will affect how you talk to each other, whether with love or not. Physical attraction will affect how you two feel when around each other. If you are a couple and dislike the feeling you have when near your partner, it means something has to be adjusted. How you talk and relate to one another matters how you make your partner feel. For instance, when you embarrass them in public, they will not be comfortable again with you in the presence of other people.

Monetary Compatibility

It is important to pay attention to compatibility when it comes to monetary issues. This is a platform where you get the chance to discuss money with your partner. This is the right time to make targets and to run an assessment on how you need to run your monetary activities. While at this it is right if you could identify a leader who will follow up on the monetary activities. They will be in charge of running all financial activities. This will however depend on individual relationships, and how strong each financial leader is. Even with a financial leader, it is important for both partners to participate actively. Ensure the finance reports are crystal clear and progressive.

Planning for the Future

There is the important of planning for the future, and understanding how each person would prefer their future to be. It is important to establish if there are any travel plans for either of the spouses. Establish which type of house your partner would prefer. After this, you will have the light to plan for the future comprehensively.

Planning for the future has a positive impact on attaining compatibility. This will bring to light certain things including if your partner has any plans for the future. Do not limit the amount of time you spend discussing such issues, rather allow enough time. When you have to break it into sessions, it is important, to exhaust all the ideas.

Philosophies of Life

This will interpret the dimension of life from which you look at it. This will feature religion, the language of love, conveying gratitude, as well as an appreciation of life. These are dimensions that will affect compatibility either positively or negatively. This is because they will affect how well connect you will be, and how intimate your relationship turns out. The main aim for anyone in a relationship is to get as close as possible to their partner. Pursuing compatibility is possible with the right attitude, so you will need to have it added to your best perspective of life.

Can Opposite Life Paths Attract

The differences you find in each other should bring you an intriguing feeling. Coming from the differences you notice in each other, should give your relationship a boost in attaining compatibility. What your partner is capable of doing, probably better than you, should attract you. This is why we are of different characters even when born of the same parents.

Even for life paths that will give you an outright match, they will need to put in work to attain compatibility. Two people will not be alike and will have different ideas, at all times.

Do Arguing Mean I’m Incompatible

Couples who love each other and have attained compatibility will still fight over something. Thus, it does not mean if you still fight are not compatible. This does not also mean that there is no hope for attaining compatibility. As long as two individuals are concerned, it is healthy for them to fight. A lack of fights means there is a passive partner in the relationship. You can never attain compatibility where one member is not actively involved in the affairs of the relationship.

Compatibility is a process with many stages, and factors affecting and to consider. There are factors where you will attain compatibility fast, and others need work and time. This calls for patience, in the relationship and partner. Do not lose hope, and mark your targets well. Pursue them with enthusiasm and zeal. You certainly did not enter the relationship to leave it halfway back. Press on, applying various secrets that facilitate compatibility.

Life Path Number Compatibility Table

Your Life Path NumberVery Good CompatibilityOK CompatibilityCould go either wayChallenging combination
13 , 52 , 61 , 7 , 94 , 8
22 , 4 , 81 , 3 , 675 , 9
31 , 52 , 3 , 6 , 94 , 7 , 8
42 , 86 , 73 , 41 , 5 , 9
51 , 3 , 7562 , 4 , 8 , 9
66 , 91 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 85 , 7
75 , 741 , 2 , 6 , 3 , 98
82 , 4 , 8631 , 5 , 7 , 9
96 , 931 , 72 , 4 , 5 , 8
Avatar photo Luna is the editor in chief and an absolute numerology nut. She loves teaching numerology and helping clients with the power of numerology to live a fulfilling life.