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Life Path Compatibility Life Path Numbers Numerology

Life Path Compatibility 3 and 7 (the SECRETS)

Compatibility between life paths 3 and 7 requires a lot of input and work to be successful. This means they are not an outright match for compatibility. However, if life path 7 gets into the relationship with the normal spirit to overcome, they can overcome multiple challenges to attaining compatibility. They can also help to attain compatibility by perfecting everything in their relationship. Compatibility between 3 and 7 can also be attained if 3 can boldly provide common ground, especially when the current one is unstable. I have to mention this, no matter how likely compatibility seems to take off, it is a must to put in lots of work.

Daisy 7 has been married to Ken 3 for 5 years. They were mentoring a newly wedded couple unto whom they gave their compatibility testimony. It seemed like love at first sight, and they enjoyed the first few months of their marriage. However, they started fighting over small issues. Over the years they have been together, Daisy has learned communication skills from the character of Ken. On the other hand, Daisy has taken up leadership roles in the family, especially in spiritual matters. They said in conclusion that their journey in compatibility is still in process and has not been a walk in the park.

In order to attain compatibility in any relationship, both parties must be ready to compromise all and forsake personal goals for joined goals. These are the words of Boykin, who has been married and is aging gracefully. He has been a widower for about 3 years and attests that they have had minimal confrontations since they realized the need to make peace. They had been married was between two energies, 3 and 7. They managed to get through many hurdles that life would throw at them.

Attaining compatibility is not magic but requires real-time secrets to put into work. The secrets will include:

Every Couple Is Unique

Attaining compatibility will allow you to explore the uniqueness of your partner. Together you make an unusual combination and attain compatibility faster than usual. There are challenges that face couples that derail compatibility. Every couple attains compatibility in their times through unique secrets. It is important to note that people of similar character will require exploring their uniqueness because they are not compatible.

Talk About the Future

There are multiple factors that will establish differences between the couple. For instance, everyone has their unique way of expressing love. Additionally, we do not share common goals like identical twins. Everyone sees life through their lenses. For instance, one partner may wish to get two children, while the other wishes for more. This means that they ought to sit and discuss the future in detail, including where you should live and if to buy or build your home.

Be Committed to the Relationship

Compatibility is attained when a couple is committed to working towards attaining the goal. Commitment does not simply mean that you are committed to one another. This may lead to multiple disappointments. However, when you are committed to working in the relationship, your efforts will bear multiple sweet fruits. One way to ensure you stay committed is by having long-term goals in your relationship. You keep your eyes fixed on the work input required, and you are assured of having success in attaining compatibility.

After all the work, it is important to assess and see if compatibility is taking its course in your relationship. The signs include:

You Share a Lot in Common

Two people meet and notice their diversity in multiple areas. However, this should not make one lose hope in attaining compatibility. Instead, it is one way that will give a sign whether you are getting compatible or not. There are various areas you may notice you are getting common, for instance, where you like the same foods, color, and social activities. This means you are on the right track to attaining compatibility.

If You Are Getting More Comfortable Than Before

Maybe previously, you would not feel very comfortable when you were around your partner. Gradually you start to feel comfortable, and this is one sign of compatibility. If you are still experiencing trouble being with your partner, it means you need to put more effort into exercising secrets of compatibility. This means you may need to apply the new technique in order to be fully compatible. Compatibility requires time, so you might want to be a little bit patient with yourself and your partner.

Are You Experiencing Raised Trust Level

When you start to trust your partner more, you are getting compatible with deep secrets. Trust is earned, and this also takes time. You test the waters before gaining trust to avoid getting heartbroken. It is not easy to find a person that can be trusted easily. So when you find one you can count on, you might want to hold onto them and ensure compatibility of the relationship.

Trusting your partner gives you a sweet feeling of love and companionship, not forgetting assurance. Because you are assured that you have someone you can share your deep secrets with. You know they cannot let you down in times of sorrow and mourning. Many people are more heartbroken, not because of their situation, but because of the lack of someone trustworthy in their lives. Sharing your in-depth emotions will require a partner whom you trust. This is a calling to you if you are yet to trust your partner because trusting them breaks barriers that hinder them from trusting you as well.

If you are yet to attain compatibility with your partner in any relationship, you need to spend quality time with them. It could be any environment or setup that is likely to cause bonding between you two. Spending time with your partner is no longer a luxury but rather a necessity. When you spend time together, you are likely to know them better, identifying their likes and dislikes.

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Life Path Number Compatibility Table

Your Life Path Number Very Good Compatibility OK Compatibility Could go either way Challenging combination
1 3 , 5 2 , 6 1 , 7 , 9 4 , 8
2 2 , 4 , 8 1 , 3 , 6 7 5 , 9
3 1 , 5 2 , 3 , 6 , 9 4 , 7 , 8
4 2 , 8 6 , 7 3 , 4 1 , 5 , 9
5 1 , 3 , 7 5 6 2 , 4 , 8 , 9
6 6 , 9 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 8 5 , 7
7 5 , 7 4 1 , 2 , 6 , 3 , 9 8
8 2 , 4 , 8 6 3 1 , 5 , 7 , 9
9 6 , 9 3 1 , 7 2 , 4 , 5 , 8
Avatar photo Luna is the editor in chief and an absolute numerology nut. She loves teaching numerology and helping clients with the power of numerology to live a fulfilling life.