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Heart's Desire Numbers Soul Urge Numbers Numerology

Soul Urge Number 4 Explained

Your Soul Urge Number is 4. This number gives you a clearer view of the most profound feelings, desires, and energies you hold close to you.

It can be argued that this number comforts you when you most need it. As a Number 4, you tend to follow your Heart’s Desire and Soul Urge Number whenever you don’t know what to do next.

The Soul Urge Number is also known as Heart’s Desire and both terms are commonly used but refer to the same thing.

How to Determining Your Numerology Soul Urge Number

Use our free online soul urge number calculator to determine your heart’s desire / soul urge number and also learn the rules behind it.

Soul Urge Number 4 Meaning

As a Number 4, you tend to look into your soul to see if you can find some relevant answers. Everything you do has been thoroughly analyzed, and if something doesn’t feel right, you will listen to your instincts.

The most important thing to you is, to be honest with yourself. But you are also looking forward to creating something that lasts, something that can change a person’s life. You encourage others to have stability because it’s something you have worked on for yourself, and you have seen the positive results it has given you.

As a result, people trust you! They think you are a highly likable person, someone who is honest and loyal to others. Yet, on the other hand, they also think you are overly protective of others, which could sometimes create a tense atmosphere.

Soul Urge Number 4 Traits

You are a hardworking person who’s always looking into new ways to engage with the community. You love helping others, you have a trusting outlook in life, and you are brutally honest!

However, this doesn’t mean you don’t have internal struggles. On the contrary, it just means you are good at hiding them! For example, as a Number 4, you are too rigid, stubborn, and prefer to do things your way. In fact, you don’t leave room for others to chip in and suggest how to do things differently.

What you must understand is that taking risks is part of life. If you keep focusing on your ways, they could limit you to fulfill your most genuine potential. So instead, it would be great if you embraced them. By doing so, you will be actively working with them and not against them!

Additionally, expressing emotion can be seen as a challenge for Number 4s, but you must work hard in order to overcome these issues. If not, you will be limited in terms of your love life, friendships, and even with your co-workers!

Soul Urge Number 4 Job / Careers

Whenever people come up with a new business idea, they always come to you for help! This is because they know you will be straightforward with them: you will tell them whether the concept is great (or not!), you will guide them, and you will say to them who they need to speak to!

You are driven by your innate ability to connect with people. You know you can come up with great ideas, but you seem to think that it is more important to play a managerial role instead of being the CEO!

As a Number 4, you are practical, intuitive, and organized. Thus, you will be great at teaching, assisting, mentoring, or even at becoming a personal trainer! Your innate qualities can also lead you to computer sciences, as you enjoy discovering how their systems work.

With the Number 4 as your Heart’s Desire and Soul Urge, you tend to seek fun whenever possible. Thus, if your job feels like too much responsibility, chances are you will be looking for a new career path sooner rather than later!

Soul Urge Number 4 Relationship, Marriage & Love

As a representative of Number 4, you are highly in tune with your past family-related wounds that have been carried around for generations. You now know it is your responsibility to overcome them, especially if you want to have long, peaceful relationships.

Once you heal these past traumas, albeit some will be harder than others, you will realize that you cannot afford to recklessly give your time to others, even if they are working on themselves too.

You are loyal and committed to yourself, and if others cannot respect this, you cannot be with them. This is not to say you don’t care about their feelings; on the contrary, you do! But you care more about your well-being because you know that this is your journey to self-love and acceptance.

Soul Urge Number 4 Compatibility

Generally speaking, when it comes to your Heart’s Desire and Soul Urge, as a Number 4, you tend to have great romantic relationships with Numbers 6 and 8. This is because you will give them a sense of stability, whereas they will give you fun, adventurous times!

Alternatively, you are less compatible with numbers 3 and 5. However, this only means you need to step out of your comfort zone to learn about these Numbers; in other words, you could work hard and see if this relationship will thrive despite the possible problems you may face.

Other Heart's Desire / Soul Urge Numbers

Avatar photo Luna is the editor in chief and an absolute numerology nut. She loves teaching numerology and helping clients with the power of numerology to live a fulfilling life.