To Enter Names & Birthdate Information
Name at Birth:
Enter the full name exactly as it is listed on the individual’s birth certificate, even if it is not the name used now. Do not include spaces, other characters, or extensions such as Jr, III, etc.
Adoption: In the case of adoption, use the first known name, whether given by the biological parents or the adoptive parents, even if that name was only used for a few days or weeks. Generally, in case of doubt, use the name given by the biological parents. Do not use generic names such as Jane Doe. If you are unsure, use the name you feel most closely fits you, then use the Name Advisor for people to learn how the alternate name may have affected you as well. If you want more complete information, do a full Personality Reading on the alternate name.
Foreign Names: The app currently does not support names with foreign characters. Use only names that use the 26 letters of the English alphabet.
The Name You Use Now:
Enter the first and last name you currently use when introducing yourself in social settings, even if you usually just give your first name.
Do not use your middle name unless you commonly use it daily.
Do not use your business or pen name unless you also use it socially.
When to include your middle name: Your middle name should be always be entered in the BIRTH NAME section even if you have never used it. Some cultures do not use a middle name, in which case this field will be left blank. Your middle name should NOT be included in the NAME YOU USE NOW section unless you use it consistently when introducing yourself in social settings.
Nicknames: If you consistently use a nickname as your first name, even if it is not considered a “real” name, use that. When in doubt, ask yourself what you would say if someone woke you abruptly from a deep sleep and asked your name.
Date of Birth:
Use the date on your birth certificate. In case of doubt due to lost paperwork or adoption, use your best guess, then check your Personality Profile and pay close attention to the descriptions of your Life Path and Birth Day. If they seem completely wrong, the date of birth you entered is most likely wrong. (The influence of dates that follow each other are generally each other’s opposites, while dates that are separated by a full day tend to have at least some things in common. In other words, the more “off” your chart appears to be, the more certain the date is wrong by only one day.)